I knew it!
I knew that we're soooo gonna have a dinner at a restaurant tonight because of my uncle's arrival. It's so like a tradition, and probably before he's going back to Canada we're gonna have another one. And they would insist to be the one to pay, come on, just pay the bills 'coz I'm already full. HAHA! My uncle manage to pay the bill just now, and I saw my Tata tried to stop him. *roll eyes*
Dinner's okay, I saw my relatives and the salon owner, Auntie Liyana. Me and Mamee went to her salon this noon. Then she was gossiping this and that to my mum. Blaa ~ Seria people are just too CNN .. excluding me and my mum =D HAHA! Mamee is always the one listen then she'll just tell me alll about it.
Well .. one funny thing about the dinner .. isn't the dinner, it's JieJie! She wore this nice dress with kiddy-lacey-socks .. BUT WITH THE BLOODY WRONG SHOES! She wore the Croc shoes!
OMG, SO FUGLY LA!! I didn't realise it until we reached Jolene Restaurant ==" Kimaknya budak niiiii ~~
Now, to be honest, during my previous blog (friendster's) about my mum kena tahan hospital, one day .. which is Thursday, she kena those 'dirty stuffs', hope you'll get what I mean. Anyways ~ I asked her about the chinese bomoh thingy that she had when she was ironing her clothes. God, si beh kung bu le ~ She put the 4 candles that are lighted into her mouth so the 'smoke' can cleanse her body .. she said she didn't feel the hot-ness and the candles didn't burn her mouth. The bomoh, who is an old lady .. kicked her body HARD to 'kick out' the evil spirit inside her. I cannot imagine seeing my mum going through those stuffs, 'cause she can't stand pain. But it's over and I'm glad .. REALLY GLAD. The day when she isn't her, I so wanted to pass out and hope that it was a dream. But it wasn't. So .. shit. Lols. I can laugh about it now though.
P/S: I can say it out now because .. I think I'm not that afraid of Mamee now. =]
Some pics were taken during the dinner .. Heh, I am making use of my nice handphone now. Muahahahahahahahahaha!!
I knew that we're soooo gonna have a dinner at a restaurant tonight because of my uncle's arrival. It's so like a tradition, and probably before he's going back to Canada we're gonna have another one. And they would insist to be the one to pay, come on, just pay the bills 'coz I'm already full. HAHA! My uncle manage to pay the bill just now, and I saw my Tata tried to stop him. *roll eyes*
Dinner's okay, I saw my relatives and the salon owner, Auntie Liyana. Me and Mamee went to her salon this noon. Then she was gossiping this and that to my mum. Blaa ~ Seria people are just too CNN .. excluding me and my mum =D HAHA! Mamee is always the one listen then she'll just tell me alll about it.
Well .. one funny thing about the dinner .. isn't the dinner, it's JieJie! She wore this nice dress with kiddy-lacey-socks .. BUT WITH THE BLOODY WRONG SHOES! She wore the Croc shoes!
OMG, SO FUGLY LA!! I didn't realise it until we reached Jolene Restaurant ==" Kimaknya budak niiiii ~~
Now, to be honest, during my previous blog (friendster's) about my mum kena tahan hospital, one day .. which is Thursday, she kena those 'dirty stuffs', hope you'll get what I mean. Anyways ~ I asked her about the chinese bomoh thingy that she had when she was ironing her clothes. God, si beh kung bu le ~ She put the 4 candles that are lighted into her mouth so the 'smoke' can cleanse her body .. she said she didn't feel the hot-ness and the candles didn't burn her mouth. The bomoh, who is an old lady .. kicked her body HARD to 'kick out' the evil spirit inside her. I cannot imagine seeing my mum going through those stuffs, 'cause she can't stand pain. But it's over and I'm glad .. REALLY GLAD. The day when she isn't her, I so wanted to pass out and hope that it was a dream. But it wasn't. So .. shit. Lols. I can laugh about it now though.
P/S: I can say it out now because .. I think I'm not that afraid of Mamee now. =]
Some pics were taken during the dinner .. Heh, I am making use of my nice handphone now. Muahahahahahahahahaha!!
The lil princess with Croc shoes.
My 2nd lil bro.
His eyes are prettier than me, HOW CAN?!
Fei Zi & me
There were 2 or 3 more dishes before these.
That Croc-shoes-princess is starting to follow my steps ..
Pout while taking pics! XD
See their similarites? x)
And lastly. yours truly with her fave flash =D
Lookie at my eyes!!
I'm so in love with myself ..
I think I'll call Chung Liang School tomorrow and ask them about my interview, which is suppose to be like 2 weeks ago but I was too sick to do so. Gotta wake up early .. Wish me luck!!
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